
Save the date...September 26th

Just a quick teaser announcement to communicate the details for our next Social Hour event. This month, we're pleased to have Martha Dooley from the Village of Schaumburg joining us to talk about the Biodiversity Recovery Program that the village has implemented. More details will follow shortly...


It's not easy being green...

A friend shared this with me recently, and I thought it worth posting here in order to provide a bit of levity as well as one of those 'remember when??' moments. With full credit to YouTube, Sesame Street, and to the marvelous creative talents of Jim Henson and his team. With no further ado...


August 25th Social Hour event

A bit of a change this month. We'll be meeting on a Saturday morning rather than the usual mid-week evening. The change is due to the topic for this month's event. We'll be hearing the Prairie Crossing story firsthand while touring the development. Given the time of year, trying to do a walking tour starting at 7p on a weeknight didn't afford us the opportunity to really see it in the same way that a morning outing will.

I'm guessing that, like me, many of you are familiar with the name Prairie Crossing but have not yet had the opportunity to see it for yourself. Prairie Crossing is the critically-acclaimed 'Conservation Community' that was designed to combine responsible development, the preservation of open land and easy commuting by rail. It is now considered a national example of how to design our communities to support a better way of life. For more detail on the community, which is located in Grayslake, check out this link: http://www.prairiecrossing.com/.

Our plan is to meet at the Colby Barn at 10:00 am. Map of 1561 Jones Point Rd Grayslake, IL 60030-3536, US We'll then take a tour through the development while hearing about its creation. Discussion will center on the genesis of the original vision, the realities of realizing the vision, and the end result. We've also lined up several homeowners to speak firsthand about the experience of living in this type of sustainable community.

We'll finish at around 12:00 pm in the Prairie Croissant Cafe. All those who are able are welcome to join me in lingering and enjoying lunch. Info and an online menu can be found at: http://www.prairiecroissantcafe.com/.

So, to recap:

Date: Saturday, August 25th
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Colby Barn, Prairie Crossing Development

This is a family-friendly outing, so please feel free to bring the kids along. A great way to live the lesson from last month (see previous post on the 'Leave No Child Inside' initiative by Chicago Wilderness).

As always, feel free to pass along the info to others you think might be interested. I'm also happy to try to coordinate ride-sharing options, so contact me if you'd like some assistance in that area. I look forward to seeing you all there.

Have questions, suggestions, or want to be added to the email list? Contact Shawn Stahmer at shawn@thirdisolutions.com.